Get a summary of compilation options

The compilation process will create a folder in your run directory named build_info. Navigate into this folder and get a directory listing:

$ cd build_info
$ ls -CF
CMakeCache.txt  summarize_build*

CMakeCache.txt contains the CMake cache, which is a complete listing of all compilation settings. summarize_build is a script that will print the most important of these CMake cache settings.

If you run summarize_build:

$ ./summarize_build

You will get output similar to this:

$ ./summarize_build
## Compiler Info
#  Family:   GNU
#  Version:  10.2.0
#  Which:    /n/sw/helmod-rocky8/apps/Core/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/bin/gfortran

## Compiler Options (global)

## Compiler Options (GEOS-Chem)

## Compiler Options (HEMCO)

## GEOS-Chem Components Settings

Here you can see the compiler flags that were used as well as the options that were selected.