First-time user registration

We have introduced a online user registration system starting with GEOS-Chem Classic 14.0.0. The first time that you create a run directory, you will be prompted to provide contact information and a summary about how you plan to use GEOS-Chem. This information will be kept at a secure cloud-based server.

Even if you are a long-time GEOS-Chem user, we ask that you answer all of the questions. Your responses will help us to keep an accurate count of GEOS-Chem users and to keep the list of GEOS-Chem users current.

The user registration dialog (and where you will type in your repsonses) is shown below.


Initiating User Registration:
You will only need to fill this information out once.
Please respond to all questions.

What is your name?
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

What is your email address?
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

What is the name of your research institution?
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

What is the name of your principal invesigator?
(Enter 'self' if you are the principal investigator.)
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

Please provide the web site for your institution
(group website, company website, etc.)?
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

Please provide your github username (if any) so that we
can recognize you in submitted issues and pull requests.
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

Where do you plan to run GEOS-Chem?
(e.g. local compute cluster, AWS, other supercomputer)?
>>> type your response and hit ENTER

Please briefly describe how you plan on using GEOS-Chem
so that we can add you to 'GEOS-Chem People and Projects'
>>> type your response and hit ENTER
Successful Registration

If you do not see the Successful Registration message, check your internet connection and try again. If the problem persists, open a new Github issue.