Use the KPP-Standalone box model to test chemical mechanisms

The KPP-Standalone Box Model takes a given set of initial conditions to replicate grid cell chemistry of 3D GEOS-Chem, GCHP, or GEOS-CF simulations. It reads an input file generated by the KPP-Standalone Interface that generates model output of the full chemical state of the grid cell. The full GEOS-Chem mechanism is run to replicate the chemistry of the specified grid cell.

The KPP-Standalone Box Model can be a useful tool for debugging chemical mechanisms or validating new chemistry reactions before adding them to an existing GEOS-Chem mechanism.

The current KPP-Standalone has been adapted from a box model used in Lin et al. [2023]. The GEOS-Chem Support Team has implemented the KPP-Standalone Box Model and KPP-Standalone Interface into GEOS-Chem 14.5.1 and later versions.


The KPP-Standalone Box Model is currently compatible with the fullchem or custom chemistry mechanisms. But we hope to be able to extend this functionality to other mechanisms in the future.

Source code

KPP-Standalone Interface

The KPP-Standalone Interface source code is contained in the GeosCore/kppsa_interface_mod.F90 module in the GEOS-Chem “science codebase” repository. The Interface code is used to archive the GEOS-Chem model state (at the locations and times that you choose) for input into the KPP-Standalone Box Model.

KPP-Standalone Box Model

The KPP-Standalone Box Model code is contained in the Git repository

This is our fork of the

repository, which is maintained by the Kinetic PreProcessor developers.

When you clone the GEOS-Chem Classic source code, the KPP-Standalone Box Model code will be copied into this folder:

  • GCClassic/src/GEOS-Chem/KPP/standalone

Or if you clone the GCHP source code, the KPP-Standalone Box Model code will be copied into this folder:

  • gchp/src/GCHP_GridComp/GEOSChem_GridComp/geos-chem/KPP/standalone.

The KPP/standalone folder contains the following files:




Sample data file based on the GEOS-Chem 14.5.0 fullchem mechanism


CMake file used to build the KPP-Standalone Box Model executable


KPP-Standalone Box Model source code


Source code to read data files generated by the KPP-Standalone Interface into the KPP-Standalone Box Model


Folder containing Python analysis & plotting scripts

README file from the KPP-Standalone GitHub repository

Usage instructions

  1. Download the GEOS-Chem Classic or GCHP source code.

  2. Navigate to the run/ folder and create a run directory:

    $ cd GCClassic/run     # If using GEOS-Chem Classic, or
    $ cd gchp/run          # If using GCHP
    $ ./

    Select the fullchem simulation (option 1) with any extra option (e.g. standard, RRTMG, etc.). Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information.

  3. Navigate to the run directory and compile the GEOS-Chem Classic or GCHP source code. The KPP-Standalone Box Model code will be compiled to an executable named kpp_standalone.

  4. Open the kpp_standalone_interface.yml file (located in the run directory) in your favorite editor. The file will look similar to this:

    # ============================================================================
    # Configuration file for KPP standalone interface
    # This file specifies at which locations we will archive the model
    # state so that we can initialize KPP standalone box model simulations.
    # ============================================================================
    # ------------------------------------
    # General settngs
    # ------------------------------------
      activate: false                      # Main on/off switch
      start_output_at: [19000101, 000000]  # Save model state for KPP standalone
      stop_output_at:  [21000101, 000000]  # ... if between these 2 datetimes
      output_directory: "./OutputDir/"     # This directory should already exist
      levels:                              # Model levels to archive
        - 1
        - 2
        # ... etc. other levels not shown ...
    # ------------------------------------
    # Where to archive model state?
    # ------------------------------------
      - Alert
      - Amazon
      - AtlanticOcean
      - Beijing
      # ... etc. other active_cells not shown ...
    # ------------------------------------
    # Active cell geographic coordinates
    # ------------------------------------
        latitude: 82.5
        longitude: -62.3
        latitude: -3.4653
        longitude: -62.2159
        latitude: 34.707874
        longitude: -41.574755
        latitude: 39.9042
        longitude: 116.4074
      # ... etc. other locations not shown ...
  5. Edit the following entries under the settings section:

    1. Change activate: false to activate: true. This will turn on the KPP-Standalone Interface within GEOS-Chem. By default the Interface is turned off.

    2. Edit the start_output_at and stop_output_at entries to specify the time interval when the KPP-Standalone Interface will run. The KPP-Standalone Interface will archive the GEOS-Chem model state to disk at each chemistry timestep that occurs within the specified interval.


      We recommend that you only archive model state to disk for the time interval that you need. By default, the model state will be archived to disk at every chemistry timestep, which can cause your simulation to run much more slowly than normal.

      For example, if you wish to archive model state to disk only between 2019-01-01 00:00:00 and 2019-01-02 00:00:00, edit these entries as shown below:

      start_output_at: [20190101, 000000]  # Save model state for KPP standalone
      stop_output_at:  [20190102, 000000]  # ... if between these 2 datetimes
    3. If you wish, change the output_directory setting to specify where the files containing model state will be sent. By default, these files will be placed in the OutputDir/ folder within the run directory.

    4. Edit the levels setting to add or remove the model levels at which you wish to archive the GEOS-Chem model state.

  6. Edit the active_cells section to define the names of sites where the KPP-Standalone Interface will archive the GEOS-Chem model state. The kpp_standalone_interface.yml file ships with several pre-defined active cells. You may keep these, remove them, and/or add new active cells as you please. The ordering of the active cell names does not matter.

  7. Edit the locations section to add geographical coordinates for each of the active_cells that have been specified above. The ordering of the locations does not matter, but you must make sure that each active cell has a corresponding geographic location defined.

  8. Run your GEOS-Chem Classic or GCHP simulation. Make sure that your simulation spans the time interval specified by the start_output_at and stop_output_at fields.

  9. Once your simulation finishes, navigate to the directory specified by the output_directory field (which in our example is ./OutputDir) and get a directory listing.

    $ cd OutputDir   # Or whatever you specified for output_directory
    $ ls -1

    You should see several files ending in *.txt:

    ... etc. for other sites & times ...

    These files represent the GEOS-Chem model state at each active cell, model level, date and time. The format of these files is shown below (using the Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.txt as an example:

                      KPP Standalone Atmospheric Chemical State
    File Description:
    This file contains model output of the atmospheric chemical state
    as simulated by the GEOS-Chem chemistry module in a 3D setting.
    Each grid cell represents the chemical state of an individual location,
    suitable for input into a separate KPP Standalone program which will
    replicate the chemical evolution of that grid cell for mechanism analysis.
    Note that the KPP Standalone will only use concentrations, rate constants,
    and KPP-specific fields. All other fields are for reference. The first line
    contains the number of lines in this header. If wanting to use this output
    for other analysis, a Python class to read these fields is available by
    request, contact Obin Sturm (
    Generated by the GEOS-Chem Model
    Using the KPP Standalone Interface
         With contributions from:
            Obin Sturm (
            Christoph Keller
            Michael Long
            Sam Silva
    Meteorological and general grid cell metadata
    Location:                                        Beijing
    Timestamp:                                       2019/07/01 00:40
    Longitude (degrees):                                115.0000
    Latitude (degrees):                                  38.0000
    GEOS-Chem Vertical Level:                             1
    Pressure (hPa):                                     947.7906
    Temperature (K):                                      300.29
    Dry air density (molec/cm3):                      0.2273E+20
    Water vapor mixing ratio (vol H2O/vol dry air):   0.9784E-02
    Cloud fraction:                                   0.0000E+00
    Cosine of solar zenith angle:                     0.6833E+00
    KPP Integrator-specific parameters
    Init KPP Timestep (seconds):                         41.0561
    Exit KPP Timestep (seconds):                         92.6195
    Chemistry operator timestep (seconds):             1200.0000
    Number of internal timesteps:                        15
    ICNTRL integrator options used:
         1     0     4     0     0     0     1     0     0     0
         0     0     0   345    -1     0     0     0     0     0
    RCNTRL integrator options used:
         0.000000     0.000000    41.056066     0.000000     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000050     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
    CSV data of full chemical state, including species concentrations,
    rate constants (R) and instantaneous reaction rates (A).
    All concentration units are in molec/cm3 and rates in molec/cm3/s.
    Name,   Value,   Absolute Tolerance
    CH2I2,  5.5790359988082701E+003,  1.00E-02
    CH2IBr,  4.3058653390896252E+004,  1.00E-02
    CH2ICl,  5.5586468566915649E+005,  1.00E-02
    AERI,  1.0841371359954113E+007,  1.00E-02
    AONITA,  1.0756986064207199E+009,  1.00E-02
    R1   1,  3.9000149380783678E-020
    R2,  1.9670377782305400E-007
    R3,  1.6079592890328128E-008
    R4,  7.2351790708373721E-022
    A1,  4.6780159996820985E+003
    A2,  4.6780159996820985E+003
    A3,  4.6780159996820976E+003
    A4,  5.1949221122605059E+003

    The file header contains metadata about the meteorological conditions present at the site, as well as parameters used by the KPP solver. Species concentrations in \(molecules\ cm^{-3}\) are listed along with the absolute tolerance value for each species. The number at the top of the header (60) indicates the number of lines to skip before the data begins. Data is saved to comma-separated variable (CSV) format.

    Reaction rate constants (beginning with \(R\)) and instantaneous reaction rates (beginning with \(A\)) follow the species concentrations. These are archived in \(molecules\ cm^{-3}\ s^{-1}\).

  10. Run the KPP-Standalone Box Model for each of the active cells, model levels, dates, and times where the GEOS-Chem model state has been archived.

    $ ./kpp_standalone Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.txt Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.log
    Processing sample: input/Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.txt
    Number of internal timesteps (from 3D run):    15
    Number of internal timesteps ( standalone):    15
    Hexit (from 3D run):      92.62
    Hexit ( standalone):      92.62

    The first argument to kpp_standalone is the file containing the GEOS-Chem model state for a given active cell, level, date, and time.

    The second argument is the log file (in our example, Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.log) containing the output of the KPP-Standalone Box Model. The log file will also be printed in CSV format.

    The KPP-Standalone Box Model will print some statistics to the screen (aka “standard output” or “stdout”). Ideally the Hexit values should be pretty close to each other.

    Your KPP-Standalone Box Model output should look similar to this:

    KPP Standalone Output
    This file contains the concentrations of all the chemical species
    in a single grid cell of a GEOS-Chem 3D run as replicated by the
    KPP Standalone. Concentrations before and after the operator timestep
    are in CSV format, below.
    Generated by the GEOS-Chem KPP Standalone:
    Input file used: Beijing_L1_20190701_0040.txt
    Meteorological and general grid cell metadata
    Location:                                        Beijing
    Timestamp:                                       2019/07/01 00:40
    Longitude (degrees):                                115.0000
    Latitude (degrees):                                  38.0000
    GEOS-Chem Vertical Level:                             1
    Pressure (hPa):                                     947.7906
    Temperature (K):                                      300.29
    Dry air density (molec/cm3):                      0.2273E+20
    Water vapor mixing ratio (vol H2O/vol dry air):   0.9784E-02
    Cloud fraction:                                   0.0000E+00
    Cosine of solar zenith angle:                     0.6833E+00
    KPP Integrator-specific parameters
    Init KPP Timestep (seconds):                         41.0561
    Exit KPP Timestep (seconds):                         92.6195
    Chemistry operator timestep (seconds):             1200.0000
    Number of internal timesteps:                        15
    ICNTRL integrator options used:
         1     0     4     0     0     0     1     0     0     0
         0     0     0   345    -1     0     0     0     0     0
    RCNTRL integrator options used:
         0.000000     0.000000    41.056066     0.000000     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000050     0.000000
         0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
    Species Name,Initial Concentration (molec/cm3),Final Concentration (molec/cm3)
    CH2I2,  5.5790359988082701E+003,  2.8781775861340213E+000
    CH2IBr,  4.3058653390896252E+004,  2.9971817468639663E+004
    CH2ICl,  5.5586468566915649E+005,  5.0135868815135013E+005
    AERI,  1.0841371359954113E+007,  1.0896017942806700E+007
    AONITA,  1.0756986064207199E+009,  1.0756986064207199E+009
    BUTDI,  2.0521956658716797E+010,  2.0526479192010277E+010

    The header contains the same information as the corresponding input file containing model state archived from GEOS-Chem. The initial and final concentrations for each species are printed in \(molecules\ cm^{-3}\). The number at the top of the header (43) indicates the number of lines to skip before the data begins.

  11. As of this writing (December 2024) we are working on Python plotting codes to better visualize KPP-Standalone Box Model output. These will ship as part of the GCPy package.