Sample environment file for GNU 10.2.0 compilers¶

Below is a sample environment file (based on an enviroment file for the Harvard Cannon computer cluster). This file will load software libraries built with the GNU 10.2.0 compilers.

Save the code below (with any appropriate modifications for your own computer system) to a file named ~/gcclassic.gnu10.env.

# Load software packages (EDIT AS NEEDED)

# Unload all modules first
module purge

# Load modules
module load gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01             # gcc / g++ / gfortran
module load openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01          # MPI
module load netcdf-c/4.8.0-fasrc01         # netcdf-c
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.3-fasrc01   # netcdf-fortran
module load flex/2.6.4-fasrc01             # Flex lexer (needed for KPP)
module load cmake/3.25.2-fasrc01           # CMake (needed to compile)

# Environment variables and related settings
# (NOTE: Lmod will define <module>_HOME variables for each loaded module

# Make all files world-readable by default
umask 022

# Set number of threads for OpenMP.  If running in a SLURM environment,
# use the number of requested cores.  Otherwise use 8 cores for OpenMP.
if [[ "x${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}" == "x" ]]; then
    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8

# Max out the stacksize memory limit
export OMP_STACKSIZE="500m"

# Compilers
export CC="gcc"
export CXX="g++"
export FC="gfortran"
export F77="${FC}"

# netCDF
if [[ "x${NETCDF_HOME}" == "x" ]]; then

# KPP 3.0.0+
export KPP_FLEX_LIB_DIR="${FLEX_HOME}/lib64"

# Set limits

ulimit -c unlimited   # coredumpsize
ulimit -u 50000       # maxproc
ulimit -v unlimited   # vmemoryuse
ulimit -s unlimited   # stacksize

# Print information
module list


Ask your sysadmin how to load software libraries. If you are using your institution’s computer cluster, then chances are there will be a software module system installed, with commands similar to those listed above.

Then you can activate these seetings from the command line by typing:

$ . ~/gcclassic.gnu10.env

You may also place the above command within your GEOS-Chem run script, which will be discussed in a subsequent chapter.