Additional portals for meteorology data

As discussed in the previous chapter, the GEOS-Chem Input Data portal is the main source of input data for GEOS-Chem Classic, GCHP, and the HEMCO standalone model. This portal contains the entire catalog of emissions inventories, chemical inputs, initial conditions, and most years of GEOS-FP, MERRA-2, and GEOS-IT meteorology.

We also maintain two additional data portals for special data sets.

GEOS-Chem Nested Input Data


We are still adding data to the GEOS-Chem Nested Input Data portal. As of this writing (November 2024), not all data may have been uploaded yet. We thank you for your patience.

The GEOS-Chem Nested Input data portal stores GEOS-FP and MERRA-2 meteorology fields that have been cropped to specific nested-grid domains. These data can be used to perform high-resolution inversions with the Integrated Methane Inversion (IMI) workflow.

Available nested-grid meteorology (2018 to present day)


Horizontal resolution

Nested-grid domains


\(0.125^{\circ} {\times}0.15625^{\circ}\)

AF (Africa)
AS (Asia)
EU (Europe)
ME (Middle East)
NA (North America)
OC (Oceania)
RU (Russia)
SA (South America)


\(0.5^{\circ} {\times}0.625^{\circ}\)

AS (Asia)
EU (Europe)
NA (North America)

The data can be accessed by:

The GEOS-Chem Nested Input Data portal is also part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program.

GCAP 2.0 meteorology hosted at U. Rochester

The portal (curated by Lee Murray at the University of Rochester) contains the GCAP 2.0 meteorological data inputs for use with GEOS-Chem simulations.

The data can be accessed by: