
GEOS-Chem Classic relies on the Harmonized Emissions Component (aka HEMCO) for file I/O, regridding, and computing emissions fluxes. Settings for HEMCO can be updated in the HEMCO configuration file, which is named HEMCO_Config.rc.

The HEMCO online manual at hemco.readthedocs.io contains detailed instructions about the structure and contents of HEMCO_Config.rc, so we will not replicate that content in this Guide. Instead, we will provide a short summary with links to the relevant documentation.

General HEMCO settings

Define general simulation parameters in the Settings section of HEMCO_Config.rc. This includes data paths, global diagnostic options, and verbose output options.


ROOT:                        /path/to/hemco/data/dir
METDIR:                      /path/to/hemco/met/dir
GCAPSCENARIO:                not_used
GCAPVERTRES:                 47
Logfile:                     *
DiagnFile:                   HEMCO_Diagn.rc
DiagnPrefix:                 ./OutputDir/HEMCO_diagnostics
DiagnFreq:                   00000000 010000
Wildcard:                    *
Separator:                   /
Unit tolerance:              1
Negative values:             0
Only unitless scale factors: false
Verbose:                     false
VerboseOnCores:              root       # Accepted values: root all


Extension switches

Turn individual emissions inventories on/off in the Extension Switches section of HEMCO_Config.rc. Emission inventories are specified as either Base Emissions (i.e. read from files on disk) or Extensions (i.e. computed using meteorological inputs).

# ExtNr ExtName                on/off  Species  Years avail.
0       Base                   : on    *
# ----- MAIN SWITCHES ---------------------------------------------------------
    --> EMISSIONS              :       true
    --> METEOROLOGY            :       true
    --> CHEMISTRY_INPUT        :       true
# ----- RESTART FIELDS --------------------------------------------------------
    --> GC_RESTART             :       true
    --> HEMCO_RESTART          :       true
# ----- NESTED GRID FIELDS ----------------------------------------------------
    --> GC_BCs                 :       false
# ----- REGIONAL INVENTORIES --------------------------------------------------
    --> APEI                   :       false    # 1989-2014
    --> NEI2016_MONMEAN        :       false    # 2002-2020
    --> DICE_Africa            :       false    # 2013
# ----- GLOBAL INVENTORIES ----------------------------------------------------
    --> CEDSv2                 :       true     # 1750-2019
    --> CEDS_GBDMAPS           :       false    # 1970-2017
    --> CEDS_GBDMAPS_byFuelType:       false    # 1970-2017

... etc ...

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100     Custom                 : off   -
101     SeaFlux                : on    DMS/ACET/ALD2/MENO3/ETNO3/MOH
102     ParaNOx                : on    NO/NO2/O3/HNO3
    --> LUT data format        :       nc
    --> LUT source dir         :       $ROOT/PARANOX/v2015-02
103     LightNOx               : on    NO
    --> CDF table              :       $ROOT/LIGHTNOX/v2014-07/light_dist.ott2010.dat
104     SoilNOx                : on    NO
    --> Use fertilizer NOx     :       true

... etc ...


Base emissions


You do not have to edit this section if you just wish to run GEOS-Chem Classic with its default emissions configuration.

Specify how emissions and other data sets will be read from disk in the Base Emissions section of HEMCO_Config.rc.


# ExtNrName sourceFile sourceVar sourceTime C/R/E SrcDim SrcUnit Species ScalIDs Cat Hier


# --- APEI (Canada) ---
0 APEI_NO   $ROOT/APEI/v2016-11/APEI.0.1x0.1.nc NOx 1989-2014/1/1/0 RF xy kg/m2/s NO   25/1002/115    1 30
0 APEI_CO   $ROOT/APEI/v2016-11/APEI.0.1x0.1.nc CO  1989-2014/1/1/0 RF xy kg/m2/s CO   26/52/1002     1 30
0 APEI_SOAP -                                   -   -               -  -  -       SOAP 26/52/1002/280 1 30
0 APEI_SO2  $ROOT/APEI/v2016-11/APEI.0.1x0.1.nc SOx 1989-2014/1/1/0 RF xy kg/m2/s SO2  60/1002        1 30
0 APEI_SO4  -                                   -   -               -  -  -       SO4  60/65/1002     1 30
0 APEI_pFe  -

... etc ...


Scale factors

Define scale factors for emissions inventories and other data sets in the Scale Factors section of HEMCO_Config.rc.

# --- Scale factors used for species conversions ---

# Units carbon to species conversions
# Factor = # carbon atoms * MW carbon) / MW species
40 CtoACET MATH:58.09/(3.0*12.0)   - - - xy unitless 1
41 CtoALD2 MATH:44.06/(2.0*12.0)   - - - xy unitless 1
42 CtoALK4 MATH:58.12/(4.3*12.0)   - - - xy unitless 1

... etc ...
# VOC speciations
50 KET2MEK    0.25  - - - xy unitless 1
51 KET2ACET   0.75  - - - xy unitless 1

... etc ...



Define masks for emissions and other data sets in the Masks section of HEMCO_Config.rc


  # ScalID Name sourceFile sourceVar sourceTime C/R/E SrcDim SrcUnit Oper Lon1/Lat1/Lon2/Lat2


  # Country/region masks
  1002 CANADA_MASK $ROOT/MASKS/v2018-09/Canada_mask.geos.1x1.nc                  MASK     2000/1/1/0 C xy 1 1 -141/40/-52/85

  1007 CONUS_MASK  $ROOT/MASKS/v2018-09/CONUS_Mask.01x01.nc                      MASK     2000/1/1/0 C xy 1 1 -140/20/-50/60

  ... etc ...




.. _cfg-hco-gchp-gcc:

Usage differences between GCHP and GEOS-Chem Classic

HEMCO_Config.rc is used in GCHP for masking and scaling within HEMCO. The input file and read frequency information is not used because MAPL ExtData handles file input rather than HEMCO in GCHP. Items at the top of the file that are ignored include:

  • ROOT data directory path

  • METDIR path

  • DiagnPrefix

  • DiagnFreq

  • Wildcard

The ROOT data directory and METDIR paths are instead specified by the symbolic links in the run directory. Diagnostic filename and frequency information are specified in HISTORY.rc. Emissions diagnostics in GCHP are output in the same way and with the same file format as other diagnostic collections in GCHP. Please note, however, that all emissions diagnostics are vertically flipped relative to other diagnostics, with level 1 corresponding to top-of-atmosphere.

In the Base emissions section and beyond, columns that are ignored include:

  • sourceFile

  • sourceVar

  • sourceTime

  • C/R/E

  • SrcDim

  • SrcUnit

Because GCHP uses NASA MAPL code to read and regrid input files the file path, variable name, and data frequency are specified in GCHP config file ExtData.rc. Input data dimensions and units are not needed since they are taken directly from the file during read.

Note that some GEOS-Chem simulations require that all species be present in the restart file. For GEOS-Chem Classic you can get around this by updating the C/R/E flags in HEMCO_Config.rc. In GCHP that part of HEMCO_Config.rc is not used. To configure your run to allow missing species in the restart file you instead need to flip a switch in config file setCommonRunSettings.sh. Search for string Require_Species_in_Restart in the file. If set to 1 it will require species, and if set to 0 it will not.

Also beware that one entry in HEMCO_Config.rc is changed when script setCommonRunSettings.sh is executed in the run script prior to running GCHP. The online dust mass tuning factor gets replaced by a value specific to your configured grid resolution.

One entry also gets propagated to another configuration file by setCommonRunSettings.sh. Lightning entries in ExtData.rc get commented or uncommented depending on whether lightning climatology is turned on in HEMCO_Config.rc.