Understand what error messages mean
In this Guide we provide information about the different types of errors that your GEOS-Chem simulation might encounter.
Know the difference between warnings and errors.
Warnings are non-fatal informational messages. Usually you do not have to take any action when encountering a warning. Nevertheless, you should always try to investigate why the warning was generated in the first place.
Errors are fatal and will halt GEOS-Chem compilation or execution. Looking at the error message will give you some clues as to why the error occurred.
We strongly encourage that you try to debug the issue using the info both in this Guide and in our Debug GEOS-Chem and HEMCO errors Guide. Please see our Support Guidelines for more information.
Where does error output get printed?
GEOS-Chem Classic, GCHP, and HEMCO, like all Linux-based programs, send output to two streams: stdout and stderr.
Most output will go to the stdout stream, which takes I/O from the
Fortran WRITE
commands. If you run
e.g. GEOS-Chem Classic by just typing the executable name at the Unix
$ ./gcclassic
then the stdout stream will be printed to the terminal window. You can also redirect the stdout stream to a log file with the redirect command:
$ ./gcclassic > GC.log 2>&1
The 2>&1 tells the bash script to append the stderr stream
(noted by 2
) to the stdout stream (noted by 1
This will make sure that any error output also shows up in the log file.
You can also use the Linux tee command, which will send output both to a log file as well as to the terminal window:
$ ./gcclassic | tee GC.log 2>&1
Please be aware of the following:
We have combined HEMCO and GEOS-Chem informational printouts as of GEOS-Chem 14.2.0 and HEMCO 3.7.0. In previous versions, HEMCO informational printouts would have been sent to a separate
We have disabled most GEOS-Chem and HEMCO informational printouts by default, starting in GEOS-Chem 14.2.0 and HEMCO 3.7.0. These printouts may be restored (e.g. for debugging) by enabling verbose output in both
GCHP sends output to several log files as well as to the stdout and stderr streams. Please see gchp.readthedocs.io for more information.
When using GEOS-Chem 14.5.1 or later within CESM, HEMCO error messages will be sent to
rather thancesm.log
Compile-time errors
In this section we discuss some compilation warnings that you may encounter when building GEOS-Chem.
Cannot open include file netcdf.inc
error #5102: Cannot open include file 'netcdf.inc'
Problem: The netcdf-fortran library cannot be found.
Solution: Make sure that all software dependencies have been installed and loaded into your Linux environment.
KPP error: Cannot find -lfl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfl
error: ld returned exit 1 status
Problem:: The Kinetic PreProcessor (KPP) cannot find the flex library, which is one of its dependencies.
Solution: Make sure that all software dependencies have been installed and loaded into your Linux environment.
GNU Fortran internal compiler error
f951: internal compiler error: in ___ at ___
Problem: Compilation halted due to a compiler issue. These types of errors can indicate:
An undiagnosed bug in the compiler itself.
The inability of the compiler to parse source code adhering to the most recent Fortran language standard.
The inability of the compiler to parse legacy source code that is now deprecated.
Solution: Try switching to a newer compiler version. We recommend using GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 10.0.0 or later.
This module file was not generated by any release of this compiler
error #7013: This module file was not generated by any release of this compiler.
[NETCDF] use netCDF --------^
Problem: The netCDF library was built with a different compiler than the compiler being used to build the GEOS-Chem or HEMCO standalone executable.
Solution: Build the GEOS-Chem or HEMCO standalone executable with the same compiler that was used to build netCDF and netCDF-Fortran.
Run-time errors
Excessive fall velocity error
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Excessive fall velocity?
Problem: The fall velocity (in stratopsheric chemistry routine
in module GeosCore/ucx_mod.F90
) exceeds
10 m/s. This error will most often occur in GEOS-Chem Classic
nested-grid simulations, and is usually caused when the initial
conditions (from the restart file) are out of sync with the
stratospheric dynamical conditions.
Reduce the default timestep settings in
. You may need to use 300 seconds (transport) and 600 seconds (chemistry) or even smaller depending on the horizontal resolution of your simulation, or
Use a well-spun-up restart file.
Floating invalid or floating-point exception error
forrtl: error (65): floating invalid # Error message from Intel Fortran Compiler
Floating point exception (core dumped) # Error message from GNU Fortran compiler
Problem: An illegal floating-point math operation has occurred. This error can be generated if one of the following conditions has been encountered:
Division by zero
Underflow or overflow
Square root of a negative number
Logarithm of a negative number
Negative or Positive Infinity
Undefined value(s) used in an equation
Solution: Re-configure GEOS-Chem (or the HEMCO standalone) with
Cmake option. This will build
in additional error checking that should alert you to where the error
is occurring. Once you find the location of the error, you can take
the appropriate steps, such as making sure that the denominator of an
expression never goes to zero, etc.
Forced exit from Rosenbrock
Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error:
--> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff
T= 3044.21151383269 and H= 1.281206877135470E-012
Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error:
--> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff
T= 3044.21151383269 and H= 1.281206877135470E-012
### Species concentrations at problem box 40 68 1
... printout of species concentrations ...
### Species concentrations at problem box 40 68 1
... printout of reaction rates ...
Problem: The KPP Rosenbrock integrator could not converge to a solution at a particular grid box. This can happen when:
The absolute (
) and/or relative (RTOL
) error tolerances need to be refined.A particular species has numerically underflowed or overflowed.
A division by zero occurred in the reaction rate computations.
A species has been set to a very low value in another operation (e.g. wet scavenging), thus causing the non-convergence.
The initial conditions of the simulation may be non-physical.
A data file (meteorology or emissions) may be corrupted.
If the non-convergence only happens once, then GEOS-Chem will revert
to prior concentrations and reset the saved KPP internal timestep
) to zero before calling the Rosenbrock integrator again.
In many instances, this is sufficient for the chemistry to converge to
a soluiton.
In the case that the Rosenbrock integrator fails to converge to a solution twice in a row, all of the concentrations and reaction rates at the grid box will be printed to stdout and the simulation will terminate.
Solution: Look at the error printout. You will likely notice species concentrations or reaction rates that are extremely high or low compared to the others. This will give you a clue as to where in GEOS-Chem the error may have occurred.
Try performing some short test simulations, turning each operation
(e.g. transport, PBL mixing, convection, etc). off one at a time.
This should isolate the location of the error. Make sure to turn on
verbose output in both geoschem_config.yml
; this will send additional printout to the
stdout stream. The clue to finding the error
may become obvious by looking at this output.
Check your restart file to make sure that the initial concentrations make sense. For certain simulations, using initial conditions from a simulation that has been sufficiently spun-up makes a difference.
Use a netCDF file viewer like ncview to open the meteorology files on the day that the error occurred. If a file does not open properly, it is probably corrupted. If you suspect that the file may have been corrupted during download, then download the file again from its original source. If this still does not fix the error, then the file may have been corrupted at its source. Please open a new Github issue to alert the GEOS-Chem Support Team.
More about KPP error tolerances
The error tolerances are set in the following locations:
fullchem mechanism: In routine
(located in inGeosCore/fullchem_mod.F90
).Hg mechanism: In routine
(located inGeosCore/mercury_mod.F90
For example, in the fullchem mechanism, ATOL
and RTOL
defined as:
! Absolute tolerance
ATOL = 1e-2_dp
! Relative tolerance
! Changed to 0.5e-3 to avoid integrate errors by halogen chemistry
! -- Becky Alexander & Bob Yantosca (24 Jan 2023)
RTOL = 0.5e-3_dp
Convergence errors can occur because the system arrives to a state too far from the truth to be able to converge. By tightening (i.e. decreasing) the tolerances, you ensure that the system stays closer to the truth at every time step. Then, the problematic time steps will start the chemistry with a system closer to the true state, enabling the chemistry to converge.
CAVEAT: If the first time step of chemistry cannot converge,
tightening the tolerances wouldn’t work but loosening the tolerance
would. So you might have to experiment a little bit in order to find
the proper settings for ATOL
and RTOL
for your
specific mechanism.
GEOS-Chem Classic simulation failed after TPCORE initialization
See this section: Segmentation fault encountered after TPCORE initialization
HEMCO Error: Cannot find field
HEMCO Error: Cannot find field ___. Please check the name in the config file.
Problem: A GEOS-Chem Classic or HEMCO standalone simulation halts because HEMCO cannot find a certain input field.
Solution: Most of the time, this error indicates that a species is
missing from the GEOS-Chem restart file.
By default, the GEOS-Chem restart file (entry SPC_
HEMCO_Config.rc) uses time cycle flag EFYO
. This
setting tells HEMCO to halt if a species does not have an initial
condition field contained in the GEOS-Chem restart file. Changing this
time cycle flag to CYS
will allow the simulation to
proceed. In this case, species will be given a default background
initial concentration, and the simulation will be allowed to proceed.
HEMCO Error: Cannot find file for current simulation time
HEMCO ERROR: Cannot find file for current simulation time:
./Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.20190101_0000z.nc4 - Cannot get field SPC_ACET.
Please check file name and time (incl. time range flag) in the config. file
Problem: A GEOS-Chem Classic simulation failed because the
timestamp of the restart file did not match the starting date/time of
the simulation (as specified in geoschem_config.yml
). This is
the default behavior.
Solution: Change the time cycle flag for the SPC_ container
in HEMCO_Config.rc
HEMCO ERROR: Cannot find file for current simulation time:
./Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.17120701_0000z.nc4 - Cannot get field SPC_NO.
Please check file name and time (incl. time range flag) in the config. file
Problem: A GEOS-Chem Classic simulation failed because HEMCO kept searching back in time to 1712 for a valid restart file timestamp.
Solution: Make sure that the file is at the path specified in
. HEMCO will try to look back in time starting
with the current year and going all the way back to the year 1712
or 1713. So if you see 1712 or 1713 in the error message, that is a
tip-off that the file is missing.
HEMCO Error: Cannot get field PS_NEXTDAY
HEMCO ERROR: Cannot find field with valid time stamp in
/path/to/ExtData/GEOS_4x5/MERRA2/YYYY/MM/MERRA2.YYYYMMDD.I3.4x5.nc4 - Cannot get field PS_NEXTDAY.
Please check file name and time (incl. time range flag) in the config. file
Problem: A GEOS-Chem Classic or HEMCO standalone simulation failed
because HEMCO could not find a valid timestamp for the
entry in HEMCO_Config.rc
. This usually
indicates that the next day’s met field data is missing.
Solution: Download met field data for the missing date from one of the the GEOS-Chem data portals.
HEMCO ERROR: Not enough time slices: BC_<species-name>
HEMCO ERROR: not enough time slices: BC_<species-name>
--> LOCATION: HCO_GetPtr_3D (hco _emislist_mod.F90)
Problem: An error occurred because fewer time slices than expected were encountered when reading nested-grid transport boundary conditions from disk. GEOS-Chem Classic nested-grid simulations expect to find boundary condition at 3 hour temporal frequency (e.g. 00z, 03z, .. 21z).
Solution: Set the frequency of the GEOS-Chem
BoundaryConditions collection to 030000
(i.e. every 3 hours) in HISTORY.rc
file as shown below.
# GEOS-Chem boundary conditions for use in nested grid simulations
# Available for all simulations
BoundaryConditions.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4',
BoundaryConditions.frequency: 00000000 030000
BoundaryConditions.duration: 00000100 000000
... etc ...
HEMCO Error: Time stamps may be wrong
HEMCO WARNING: ncdf reference year is prior to 1901 - time stamps may be wrong!
--> LOCATION: GET_TIMEIDX (hco_read_std_mod.F90)
Problem: HEMCO reads the files but gives zero emissions and shows the error listed above.
Solution: Do the following:
Reset the reference datetime in the netCDF file so that it is after 1901.
Make sure that the
string is eitherstandard
. GEOS-Chem Classic, GCHP, and HEMCO can only read data placed on calendars with leap years.
GCST member Lizzie Lundgren writes:
This HEMCO error occurs if the reference time for the netCDF file time dimension is prior to 1901. If you do ncdump –c filename you will be able to see the metadata for the time dimension as well as the time variable values. The time units should include the reference date.
You can get around this issue by changing the reference time within the file. You can do this with cdo (Climate Data Operators) using the setreftime command.
Here is a bash script example by GCST member Melissa Sulprizio that updates the calendar and reference time for all files ending in
within a directory. This script was made for a user who ran into this issue. into the same issue. In that case the first file was for Jan 1, 1950, so that was made the new reference time. I would recommend doing the same for your dataset so that the first time variable value would be0
. This script also compresses the file which we recommend doing.#!/bin/bash for file in *nc; do echo "Processing $file" # Make sure te calendar is "standard" and not e.g. 360 days cdo setcalendar,standard $file tmp.nc mv tmp.nc $file # Set file reference time to 1950-01-01 at 0z cdo setreftime,1950-01-01,0 $file tmp.nc mv tmp.nc $file # Compress the file nccopy -d1 -c "time/1" $file tmp.nc mv tmp.nc $file doneAfter you update the file you can then again do ncdump –c filename to check the time dimension. For the case above it looks like this after processing.
double time(time) ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:long_name = "time" ; time:bounds = "time_bnds" ; time:units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00" ; time:calendar = "standard" ; . . . time = 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365, 396, 424, 455, 485, 516, 546, 577, 608, 638, 669, 699, 730, 761, 790, 821, 851,`` 882, 912, 943, 974, 1004, 1035, 1065, 1096, 1127, 1155, 1186, 1216, 1247 . . .
HEMCO Run Error
HEMCO ERROR: Please check the log file for error messages!
STOP at HCOI_GC_RUN (hcoi_gc_main_mod.F90)
Problem: A GEOS-Chem simulation stopped in the HCOI_GC_RUN
routine with an error message similar to that shown above.
Solution: Look at the output that was written to the
stdout and stderr streams. Error messages
containing HCO
originate in HEMCO.
Integrator error code: -5, STOP at INTEGRATE_KPP
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Integrator error code : -5
Problem: A GEOS-Chem simulation halted because the KPP integrator
could not solve the chemical mechanism at grid box (I,J,L)
This type of error most often occurs in GEOS-Chem nested-grid fullchem
simulations when the boundary conditions contain nonrealistic
Solution: Try changing the buffer values in the nested grid menu
of geoschem_config.yml
as shown below:
# Grid settings
... etc not shown ...
activate: true
buffer_zone_NSEW: [3,3,3,3] # <==== Try changing to [6,6,6,6]
This will reduce the size of the window in which chemistry will be performed, and thus hopefully prevent unphysical concentrations from the boundary conditions from affecting the chemistry.
Negative tracer found in WETDEP
WETDEP: ERROR at 40 67 1 for species 2 in area WASHOUT: at surface
LS : T
PDOWN : 0.0000000000000000
QQ : 0.0000000000000000
ALPHA : 0.0000000000000000
ALPHA2 : 0.0000000000000000
RAINFRAC : 0.0000000000000000
WASHFRAC : 0.0000000000000000
MASS_WASH : 0.0000000000000000
MASS_NOWASH : 0.0000000000000000
GAINED : 0.0000000000000000
LOST : 0.0000000000000000
DSpc(NW,:) : NaN 6.0358243778561746E-013 6.5871997362336500E-013 7.2710915872550685E-013 8.0185772698102585E-013 8.7883682997147595E-013 9.6396466805517407E-013 1.0574719517340253E-012 1.1617302070198606E-012 1.2976219851862141E-012 1.4347568254382824E-012 1.5772212240871896E-012 1.7071657565802178E-012 1.8443377617027378E-012 1.9982208320328261E-012 2.1567932874822908E-012 2.2591568422224307E-012 2.2208301198704935E-012 1.8475974519883714E-012 1.7716069173018996E-013 1.7714395985520433E-013 1.7633649101242403E-013 1.6668529114369137E-013 1.3548045738669223E-013 5.1061710020314286E-014 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Spc(I,J,:N) : NaN 3.5108056785061143E-009 3.8363969256742307E-009 3.6615166033026556E-009 3.6780394914242783E-009 4.1462343168230006E-009 4.7319942271993657E-009 5.1961472823088513E-009 5.4030830279477525E-009 5.5736845790195336E-009 5.7139596145766606E-009 5.8629212873139874E-009 7.9742789235773213E-009 1.0334311421916619E-008 1.0816150360971255E-008 1.1168715310744298E-008 1.1534959217017146E-008 1.1809950282570185E-008 1.7969626885629474E-008 1.7430760762446019E-008 1.7477810715818748E-008 1.7967321756900857E-008 1.8683742574601477E-008 1.9309929368816065E-008 2.0262386892450682E-008 2.0489969814921647E-008 1.9961590106306151E-008 2.2859284477873924E-008 1.3161046290246557E-008 6.5857053651000387E-009 2.7535806161296159E-009 1.2708780077337107E-009 3.6557775667039418E-010 6.1984105316417057E-011 2.6665694620973736E-011 8.7599157145440813E-012 4.8009375158768866E-012 1.0086435318729046E-012 1.3493529625353547E-013 1.6403790023674963E-014 2.7417226109948757E-015 4.2031825835582592E-014 2.3778709382809943E-013 8.3223532851684382E-013 4.5695049346098890E-012 6.9911523125704209E-012 2.5076669266356582E-012
GEOS-Chem ERROR: Error encountered in wet deposition!
-> at SAFETY (in module GeosCore/wetscav_mod.F90)
GEOS-Chem ERROR: Error encountered in "Safety"!
-> at Do_Washout_at_Sfc (in module GeosCore/wetscav_mod.F90)
-> at WetDep (in module GeosCore/wetscav_mod.F90)
GEOS-Chem ERROR: Error encountered in "Wetdep"!
-> at Do_WetDep (in module GeosCore/wetscav_mod.F90)
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Error encountered in "Do_WetDep"!
STOP at -> at GEOS-Chem (in GeosCore/main.F90)
- CLEANUP: deallocating arrays now...
Problem: A GEOS-Chem simulation has encountered either negative
or NaN
(not-a-number) concentrations in the wet deposition
module. This can indicate the following:
The wet deposition routines have removed too much soluble species from within a grid box.
Another operation (e.g. transport, convection, etc.) has removed too much soluble species from within a grid box.
A corrupted or incorrect meteorological input has caused too much rainout or washout to occur within a grid box (which leads to conditions 1 and/or 2 above).
An array-out-of-bounds error has corrupted a variable that is used in wet depoosition.
For nested-grid simulations, the transport timestep may be too large, thus resulting in grid boxes with zero or negative concentrations.
Solution: Re-configure GEOS-Chem and/or HEMCO with the
CMake option. This adds in
additional error checks that may help you find where the error
Also try adding some PRINT*
statements before and after the
call to DO_WETDEP
to check the concentrations entering and
leaving the wetdep module. That might give you an idea of where the
concetnrations are going negative.
Permission denied error
geoschem.run: Permission denied
Problem: The script geoschem.run
is not executable.
Solution: Change the permission of the script with:
$ chmod 755 geoschem.run
File I/O errors
List-directed I/O syntax error
# Error message from GNU Fortran
At line NNNN of file filename.F90
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number|integer number|character in item X of list input
# Error message from Intel Fortran
forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit -5, file Internal List-Directed Read
Problem: This error indicates that the wrong type of data was read from a text file. This can happen when:
Numeric input is expected but character input was read from disk (or vice-versa);
A READ statement in your code has been omitted or deleted.
Solution: Check configuration files (geoschem_config.yml
, HEMCO_Diagn.rc
, etc.) for syntax
errors and omissions that could be causing this error.
NF90_Def_Var: Can not create compressed variable
NF90_Def_Var: can not create compressed variable : time
Problem: This error may be caused by the following issues:
You are attempting to build GEOS-Chem or the HEMCO standalone with a different compiler than what was used to build the netCDF libraries.
You are trying to write to a file that is write-protected.
You have exceeded your alloted disk quota.
Build the GEOS-Chem or HEMCO standalone executable with the same compiler that was used to build netCDF and netCDF-Fortran, or
Change the permission of the output file so that it can be overwritten (
chmod 644 myfile.nc
), orRemove unnecessary files so that you no longer exceed your alloted disk quota.
NF90_Def_Var: Can not define variable
NF90_Def_var: can not define variable: ____
Code stopped from DO_ERR_OUT (in module NcdfUtil/m_do_err_out.F90)
This is an error that was encountered in one of the netCDF I/O modules,
which indicates an error in writing to or reading from a netCDF file!
Problem: GEOS-Chem or HEMCO could not write a variable to a netCDF file. This error may be caused by:
The netCDF file is write-protected and cannot be overwritten.
The path to the netCDF file is incorrect (e.g. directory does not exist).
The netCDF file already contains a variable with the same name.
Solution: Try the following:
If GEOS-Chem or HEMCO will be overwriting any existing netCDF files (which can often happen during testing & development), make sure that the file and containing directory are not write-protected.
Make sure that the path where you intend to write the netCDF file exists.
Check your
diagnostic configuration files to make sure that you are not writing more than one diagnostic variable with the same name.
NetCDF: HDF Error
NetCDF: HDF error
Problem: The netCDF library routines in GEOS-Chem or HEMCO cannot read a netCDF file. The error is occurring in the HDF5 library (upon which netCDF depends). This may indicate a corrupted or incomplete netCDF file.
Solution: Try re-downloading the file from the relevant GEOS-Chem data portal. Downloading a fresh copy of the file is often sufficient to fix this type of issue. If the error persists, please open a new GitHub issue to alert the GEOS-Chem Support team, as the corruption may have occured at the original source of the data.
NetCDF: Variable not found
In NcGet_Var_Attr_C: ____, NetCDF: Variable not found
Code stopped from DO_ERR_OUT (in module NcdfUtil/m_do_err_out.F90)
This is an error that was encountered in one of the netCDF I/O modules,
which indicates an error in writing to or reading from a netCDF file!
Problem: A GEOS-Chem Classic or HEMCO standalone simulation failed
because an expected variable was not found in a netCDF file. This can
occur especially if the netCDF file does not contain one of the
COARDS-standard index variables (time
, lev
, lon
Solution: Use the isCoards script to check if your netCDF file is COARDS-compliant. You can then use the netCDF Operators (NCO) and/or Climate Data Operators (CDO) to edit your netCDF file accordingly. For more information, please see our supplemental guides:
Segmentation faults and similar errors
SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Problem: GEOS-Chem or HEMCO tried to access an invalid memory location.
Solution: See the sections below for ways to debug segmentation fault errors.
Array-out-of-bounds error
Subscript #N of the array THISARRAY has value X which is less than the lower bound of Y
Subscript #N of the array THISARRAY has value A which is greater than the upper bound of B
Problem: An array index variable refers to an element that lies outside of the array boundaries.
Solution: Reconfigure GEOS-Chem with the following options:
$ cd /path/to/build # Your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO build directory
$ cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
This will enable several debugging options, including checking for array operations indices that going out of bounds. You wil get an error message similar to those shown above.
Use the grep command to search for all instances of the
array (in this example, THISARRAY
) in each source code folder:
grep -i THISARRAY *.F90 # -i means ignore uppercase/lowercase distinction
This should let you quickly locate the issue. Depending on the compiler that is used, you might also get a routine name and line number from the error output.
Segmentation fault encountered after TPCORE initialization
NASA-GSFC Tracer Transport Module successfully initialized
Problem: A GEOS-Chem simulation dies immediately after this text is printed to stdout.
Starting in GEOS-Chem Classic 14.1.0, the text above will only be
printed if you have activated verbose output in the
configuration file.
Solution: Increase the amount of stack memory available to GEOS-Chem and HEMCO. Please follow this link for detailed instructions.
Invalid memory access
severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
This message indicates that the program attempted an invalid memory reference.
Check the program for possible errors.
Problem: GEOS-Chem or HEMCO code tried to read data from an invalid memory location. This can happen when data is being read from a file into an array, but the array is too small to hold all the data.
Solution: Use a debugger (like gdb) to try to diagnose the situation. Also try increasing the dimensions of the array that you suspect might be too small.
Stack overflow
severe (174): SIGSEGV, possible program stack overflow occurred
Program requirements exceed current stacksize resource limit.
Problem: GEOS-Chem and/or HEMCO is using more stack memory than is currently available to the system. Stack memory is a reserved portion of the memory structure where short-lived variables are stored, such as:
Variables that are local to a given subroutine
Variables that are NOT globally saved
Variables that are NOT declared as an
arrayVariables that are NOT declared as a
variable or arrayVariables that are included in an
Solution: Max out the amount of stack memory that is available to GEOS-Chem and HEMCO. See this section for instructions.
Less commmon errors
The errors listed below, which occur infrequently, are related to
invalid memory operations. These can especially occur with
-based variables.
Bus Error
Problem: GEOS-Chem or HEMCO is trying to reference memory that cannot possibly be there. The website StackOverflow.com has a definition of bus error and how it differs from a segmentation fault.
Solution: A bus error may occur when you call a subroutine with too many arguments. Check subroutine definitions and subroutine calls to make sure the correct number of arguments are passed.
Double free or corruption
*** glibc detected *** PROGRAM_NAME: double free or corruption (out): ____ ***
Problem: The following error is not common, but can occur under some circumstances. Usually this means one of the following has occurred:
You are deallocating the same variable more than once.
You are deallocating a variable that wasn’t allocated, or that has already been deallocated.
Please see this link for more details.
Solution: Try setting all deleted pointers to NULL()
You can also use a debugger like gdb, which will show you a backtrace from your crash. This will contain information about in which routine and line number the code crashed, and what other routines were called before the crash happened.
Remember these three basic rules when working with
-based variables:
Set pointer to NULL after free.
Check for NULL before freeing.
Initialize pointer to NULL in the start.
Using these rules helps to prevent this type of error.
Also note, you may see this error when a software library required by GEOS-Chem and/or HEMCO is not (e.g. netcdf or netcdf-fortran has not been installed. GEOS-Chem and/or HEMCO may be making calls to the missing library, which results in the error. If this is the case, the solution would be to install all required libraries.
Dwarf subprogram entry error
Dwarf subprogram entry L_ROUTINE-NAME__LINE-NUMBER__par_loop2_2_576 has high_pc < low_pc.
This warning will not be repeated for other occurrences.
Problem: GEOS-Chem or HEMCO code tried to use a
-based variable that is unassociated (i.e. not
pointing to any other variable or memory) from within an OpenMP
parallel loop.
This error can happen when a POINTER
-based variable is set to
where it is declared:
TYPE(Species), POINTER :: ThisSpc => NULL()
The above declaration causes use pointer variable ThisSpc
be implicitly declared with the SAVE
attribute. This causes a
segmentation fault, because all pointers used within an OpenMP
parallel region must be associated and nullified on the same thread.
Solution: Make sure that any POINTER
-based variables (such
as ThisSpc
in this example) point to their target and are
nullified within the same OpenMP parallel loop.
TYPE(Species), POINTER :: ThisSpc ! Do not set to NULL() here!!!
... etc ...
!$OMP PRIVATE( I, J, L, N, ThisSpc, ... )
DO N = 1, nSpecies
DO L = 1, NZ
DO J = 1, NY
DO I = 1, NX
... etc ...
! Point to species database entry
ThisSpc => State_Chm%Species(N)%Info
... etc ...
! Free pointer at end of loop
ThisSpc => NULL()
Note that you must also add POINTER
-based variables (such as
) to the !$OMP PRIVATE
clause for the parallel
For more information about this type of error, please see this article.
Free: invalid size
Error in PROGRAM_NAME free(): invalid size: 0x00000000 0662e090
Problem: This error is not common. It can happen when:
You are trying to free a pointer that wasn’t allocated.
You are trying to delete an object that wasn’t created.
You may be trying to nullify or deallocate an object more than once.
You may be overflowing a buffer.
You may be writing to memory that you shouldn’t be writing to.
Solution: Any number of programming errors can cause this problem. You need to use a debugger (such as gdb), get a backtrace, and see what your program is doing when the error occurs. If that fails and you determine you have corrupted the memory at some previous point in time, you may be in for some painful debugging (it may not be too painful if the project is small enough that you can tackle it piece by piece).
See this post on StackOverFlow for more information.
Munmap_chunk: invalid pointer
** glibc detected *** PROGRAM_NAME: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000059aac30 ***
Problem: This is not a common error, but can happen if you
deallocate or nullify a POINTER
-based variable that has
already been deallocated or modified.
Solution: Use a debugger (like gdb) to see where in
GEOS-Chem or HEMCO the error occurs. You will likely have to remove a
duplicate DEALLOCATE
or => NULL()
statement. See
this link
for more information.
Out of memory asking for NNNNN
Fatal compilation error: Out of memory asking for 36864.
Problem: This error may be caused by the datasize
not being maxed out in your Linux login environment. For more
informatin, see this link for more
Solution: Use this command to check the status of the
$ ulimit -d
If the result of this command is not unlimited
, then set it
to unlimited with this command:
$ ulimit -d unlimited
The two most important limits for GEOS-Chem and HEMCO
are datasize
and stacksize
These should both
be set to unlimited