Known bugs and issues

Please see our Issue tracker on GitHub for a list of recent bugs and fixes.

Current bug reports

These bug reports (on GitHub) are currently unresolved. We hope to fix these in future releases.


It has been brought to our attention that the RxnConst and the RxnRates diagnostic collection may not be working as expected. We are currently investigating.


The convection scheme used for GEOS-FP met generation changed from RAS to Grell-Freitas with impact on GEOS-FP meteorology files starting June 1, 2020, specifically enhanced vertical transport. In addition, there is a bug in convective precipitation flux following the switch where all values are zero. While this bug is automatically fixed by computing fluxes online for runs starting on or after June 1 2020, the fix assumes meteorology year corresponds to simulation year. Due to these issues we recommend splitting up GEOS-FP runs in time such that a single simulation does not run across June 1, 2020. Instead. set one run to stop on June 1 2020 and then restart a new run from there. If you wish to use a GEOS-FP meteorology year different from your simulation year please create a GEOS-Chem GitHub issue for assistance.

Bugs that have been resolved

These bugs (reported on GitHub) have been resolved.