Work with netCDF files
On this page we provide some useful information about working with data files in netCDF format.
Useful tools
There are many free and open-source software packages readily available for visualizing and manipulating netCDF files.
- cdo
Climate Data Operators: Highly-optimized command-line tools for manipulating and analyzing netCDF files. Contains features that are especially useful for Earth Science applications.
- GCPy
GEOS-Chem Python toolkit: Python package for visualizing and analyzing GEOS-Chem output. Used for creating the GEOS-Chem benchmark plots. Also contains some useful routines for creating single-panel plots and multi-panel difference plots, as well as file regridding utilities.
- ncdump
Generates a text representation of netCDF data and can be used to quickly view the variables contained in a netCDF file. ncdump is installed to the
folder of your netCDF library distribution.See:
- nco
netCDF operators: Highly-optimized command-line tools for manipulating and analyzing netCDF files.
- ncview
Visualization package for netCDF files. Ncview has limited features, but is great for a quick look at the contents of netCDF files.
- netcdf-scripts
Our repository of useful netCDF utility scripts for GEOS-Chem.
- Panoply
Java-based data viewer for netCDF files. This package offers an alternative to ncview. From our experience, Panoply works nicely when installed on the desktop, but is slow to respond in the Linux environment.
- xarray
Python package that lets you read the contents of a netCDF file into a data structure. The data can then be further manipulated or converted to numpy or dask arrays for further procesing.
Some of the tools listed above, such as ncdump and ncview may come pre-installed on your system. Others may need to be installed or loaded (e.g. via the module load command). Check with your system administrator or IT staff to see what is available on your system.
Examine the contents of a netCDF file
An easy way to examine the contents of a netCDF file is to use ncdump as follows:
$ ncdump -ct GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4
You will see output similar to this:
netcdf GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
lev = 72 ;
ilev = 73 ;
lat = 46 ;
lon = 72 ;
nb = 2 ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "Time" ;
time:units = "minutes since 2019-07-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
time:axis = "T" ;
double lev(lev) ;
lev:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints ((A/P0)+B)" ;
lev:units = "level" ;
lev:axis = "Z" ;
lev:positive = "up" ;
lev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;
lev:formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS" ;
double ilev(ilev) ;
ilev:long_name = "hybrid level at interfaces ((A/P0)+B)" ;
ilev:units = "level" ;
ilev:positive = "up" ;
ilev:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ;
ilev:formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS" ;
double lat_bnds(lat, nb) ;
lat_bnds:long_name = "Latitude bounds (CF-compliant)" ;
lat_bnds:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:axis = "Y" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, nb) ;
lon_bnds:long_name = "Longitude bounds (CF-compliant)" ;
lon_bnds:units = "degrees_east" ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:axis = "X" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
double hyam(lev) ;
hyam:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints" ;
hyam:units = "hPa" ;
double hybm(lev) ;
hybm:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints" ;
hybm:units = "1" ;
double hyai(ilev) ;
hyai:long_name = "hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces" ;
hyai:units = "hPa" ;
double hybi(ilev) ;
hybi:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces" ;
hybi:units = "1" ;
double P0 ;
P0:long_name = "reference pressure" ;
P0:units = "hPa" ;
float AREA(lat, lon) ;
AREA:long_name = "Surface area" ;
AREA:units = "m2" ;
float SpeciesConcVV_RCOOH(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
SpeciesConc_RCOOH:long_name = "Dry mixing ratio of species RCOOH" ;
SpeciesConcVV_RCOOH:units = "mol mol-1 dry" ;
SpeciesConcVV_RCOOH:averaging_method = "time-averaged" ;
float SpeciesConcVV_O2(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
SpeciesConcVV_O2:long_name = "Dry mixing ratio of species O2" ;
SpeciesConcVV_O2:units = "mol mol-1 dry" ;
SpeciesConcVV_O2:averaging_method = "time-averaged" ;
float SpeciesConcVV_N2(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
SpeciesConcVV_N2:long_name = "Dry mixing ratio of species N2" ;
SpeciesConcVV_N2:units = "mol mol-1 dry" ;
SpeciesConcVV_N2:averaging_method = "time-averaged" ;
float SpeciesConcVV_H2(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
SpeciesConcVV_H2:long_name = "Dry mixing ratio of species H2" ;
SpeciesConcVV_H2:units = "mol mol-1 dry" ;
SpeciesConcVV_H2:averaging_method = "time-averaged" ;
float SpeciesConcVV_O(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
SpeciesConcVV_O:long_name = "Dry mixing ratio of species O" ;
SpeciesConcVVO:units = "mol mol-1 dry" ;
... etc ...
// global attributes:
:title = "GEOS-Chem diagnostic collection: SpeciesConc" ;
:history = "" ;
:format = "not found" ;
:conventions = "COARDS" ;
:ProdDateTime = "" ;
:reference = ";" ;
:contact = "GEOS-Chem Support Team (" ;
:simulation_start_date_and_time = "2019-07-01 00:00:00z" ;
:simulation_end_date_and_time = "2019-07-01 01:00:00z" ;
time = "2019-07-01 00:30" ;
lev = 0.99250002413, 0.97749990013, 0.962499776, 0.947499955, 0.93250006,
0.91749991, 0.90249991, 0.88749996, 0.87249996, 0.85750006, 0.842500125,
0.82750016, 0.8100002, 0.78750002, 0.762499965, 0.737500105, 0.7125001,
0.6875001, 0.65625015, 0.6187502, 0.58125015, 0.5437501, 0.5062501,
0.4687501, 0.4312501, 0.3937501, 0.3562501, 0.31279158, 0.26647905,
0.2265135325, 0.192541016587707, 0.163661504087706, 0.139115, 0.11825,
0.10051436, 0.085439015, 0.07255786, 0.06149566, 0.05201591, 0.04390966,
0.03699271, 0.03108891, 0.02604911, 0.021761005, 0.01812435, 0.01505025,
0.01246015, 0.010284921, 0.008456392, 0.0069183215, 0.005631801,
0.004561686, 0.003676501, 0.002948321, 0.0023525905, 0.00186788,
0.00147565, 0.001159975, 0.00090728705, 0.0007059566, 0.0005462926,
0.0004204236, 0.0003217836, 0.00024493755, 0.000185422, 0.000139599,
0.00010452401, 7.7672515e-05, 5.679251e-05, 4.0142505e-05, 2.635e-05,
1.5e-05 ;
ilev = 1, 0.98500004826, 0.969999752, 0.9549998, 0.94000011, 0.92500001,
0.90999981, 0.89500001, 0.87999991, 0.86500001, 0.85000011, 0.83500014,
0.82000018, 0.80000022, 0.77499982, 0.75000011, 0.7250001, 0.7000001,
0.6750001, 0.6375002, 0.6000002, 0.5625001, 0.5250001, 0.4875001,
0.4500001, 0.4125001, 0.3750001, 0.3375001, 0.28808306, 0.24487504,
0.208152025, 0.176930008175413, 0.150393, 0.127837, 0.108663, 0.09236572,
0.07851231, 0.06660341, 0.05638791, 0.04764391, 0.04017541, 0.03381001,
0.02836781, 0.02373041, 0.0197916, 0.0164571, 0.0136434, 0.0112769,
0.009292942, 0.007619842, 0.006216801, 0.005046801, 0.004076571,
0.003276431, 0.002620211, 0.00208497, 0.00165079, 0.00130051, 0.00101944,
0.0007951341, 0.0006167791, 0.0004758061, 0.0003650411, 0.0002785261,
0.000211349, 0.000159495, 0.000119703, 8.934502e-05, 6.600001e-05,
4.758501e-05, 3.27e-05, 2e-05, 1e-05 ;
lat = -89, -86, -82, -78, -74, -70, -66, -62, -58, -54, -50, -46, -42, -38,
-34, -30, -26, -22, -18, -14, -10, -6, -2, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30,
34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 89 ;
lon = -180, -175, -170, -165, -160, -155, -150, -145, -140, -135, -130,
-125, -120, -115, -110, -105, -100, -95, -90, -85, -80, -75, -70, -65,
-60, -55, -50, -45, -40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105,
110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175 ;
You can also use ncdump to display the data values for a
given variable in the netCDF file. This command will display the
values in the SpeciesRst_O3
variable to the screen:
$ ncdump -v SpeciesConc_O3 GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4 | less
Or you can redirect the output to a file:
$ ncdump -v SpeciesConc_O3 GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4 > log
Read the contents of a netCDF file
Read data with Python
The easiest way to read a netCDF file is to use the xarray Python package.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
# Read a restart file into an xarray Dataset object
ds = xr.open_dataset("GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4")
# Print the contents of the DataSet
# Print units of data
print(f"\nUnits of SpeciesRst_O3: {ds['SpeciesConc_O3'].units}")
# Print the sum, max, and min of the data
# NOTE .values returns a numpy ndarray so that we can use
# other numpy functions like np.sum() on the data
print(f"Sum of SpeciesRst_O3: {np.sum(ds['SpeciesConc_O3'].values)}")
print(f"Max of SpeciesRst_O3: {np.max(ds['SpeciesConc_O3'].values)}")
print(f"Min of SpeciesRst_O3: {np.min(ds['SpeciesConc_O3'].values)}")
This above script will print the following output:
Dimensions: (ilev: 73, lat: 46, lev: 72, lon: 72, nb: 2, time: 1)
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-07-01T00:30:00
* lev (lev) float64 0.9925 0.9775 ... 2.635e-05 1.5e-05
* ilev (ilev) float64 1.0 0.985 0.97 ... 3.27e-05 2e-05 1e-05
* lat (lat) float64 -89.0 -86.0 -82.0 ... 82.0 86.0 89.0
* lon (lon) float64 -180.0 -175.0 -170.0 ... 170.0 175.0
Dimensions without coordinates: nb
Data variables: (12/315)
lat_bnds (lat, nb) float64 ...
lon_bnds (lon, nb) float64 ...
hyam (lev) float64 ...
hybm (lev) float64 ...
hyai (ilev) float64 ...
hybi (ilev) float64 ...
... ...
SpeciesConc_AONITA (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
SpeciesConc_ALK4 (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
SpeciesConc_ALD2 (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
SpeciesConc_AERI (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
SpeciesConc_ACTA (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
SpeciesConc_ACET (time, lev, lat, lon) float32 ...
title: GEOS-Chem diagnostic collection: Species...
format: not found
conventions: COARDS
contact: GEOS-Chem Support Team (geos-chem-suppor...
simulation_start_date_and_time: 2019-07-01 00:00:00z
simulation_end_date_and_time: 2019-07-01 01:00:00z
Units of SpeciesRst_O3: mol mol-1 dry
Sum of SpeciesRst_O3: 0.4052325189113617
Max of SpeciesRst_O3: 1.01212954177754e-05
Min of SpeciesRst_O3: 3.758645839013752e-09
Read data from multiple files in Python
The xarray package will also let you read data from multiple files into a single Dataset object. This is done with the open_mfdataset (open multi-file-dataset) function as shown below:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Imports
import xarray as xr
# Create a list of files to open
filelist = [
# Read a restart file into an xarray Dataset object
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(filelist)
Determining if a netCDF file is COARDS-compliant
All netCDF files used as input to GEOS-Chem and/or HEMCO must adhere to the COARDS netCDF conventions. You can use the isCoards script (from our netcdf-scripts repository at GitHub) to determine if a netCDF file adheres to the COARDS conventions.
Run the isCoards
script at the command line on any netCDF file, and
you will receive a report as to which elements of the file do not
comply with the COARDS conventions.
$ isCoards
The following items adhere to the COARDS standard:
-> Dimension "time" adheres to standard usage
-> Dimension "lev" adheres to standard usage
-> Dimension "lat" adheres to standard usage
-> Dimension "lon" adheres to standard usage
-> time(time)
-> time is monotonically increasing
-> time:axis = "T"
-> time:calendar = "gregorian"
-> time:long_name = "Time"
-> time:units = "hours since 1985-1-1 00:00:0.0"
-> lev(lev)
-> lev is monotonically decreasing
-> lev:axis = "Z"
-> lev:positive = "up"
-> lev:long_name = "GEOS-Chem levels"
-> lev:units = "sigma_level"
-> lat(lat)
-> lat is monotonically increasing
-> lat:axis = "Y"
-> lat:long_name = "Latitude"
-> lat:units = "degrees_north"
-> lon(lon)
-> lon is monotonically increasing
-> lon:axis = "X"
-> lon:long_name = "Longitude"
-> lon:units = "degrees_east"
-> OH(time,lev,lat,lon)
-> OH:long_name = "Chemically produced OH"
-> OH:units = "kg/m3"
-> OH:long_name = 1.e+30f
-> OH:missing_value = 1.e+30f
-> conventions: "COARDS"
-> history: "Mon Apr 3 08:26:19 2017"
-> title: "COARDS/netCDF file created by BPCH2COARDS (GAMAP v2-17+)"
-> format: "NetCDF-3"
The following items DO NOT ADHERE to the COARDS standard:
-> time[0] != 0 (problem for GCHP)
The following optional items are RECOMMENDED:
-> Consider adding the "references" global attribute
Edit variables and attributes
As discussed in the preceding section, you may find that you need to edit your
netCDF files for COARDS-compliance. Below are several useful commands
for editing netCDF files. Many of these commands utilize the
and cdo
Display the header and coordinate variables of a netCDF file, with the time variable displayed in human-readable format. Also show status of file compression and/or chunking.
$ ncdump -cts
Compress a netCDF file. This can considerably reduce the file size!
# No deflation $ nccopy -d0 $ mv # Minimum deflation (good for most applications) $ nccopy -d1 $ mv # Medium deflation $ nccopy -d5 $ mv # Maximum deflation $ nccopy -d9 $ mv
Change variable name from
:$ ncrename -v SpeciesConc_NO,NO
Set all missing values to zero:
$ cdo setemisstoc,0 $ mv
Add/change the
attribute of the vertical coordinate (lev
) toGEOS-Chem levels
. This will ensure that HEMCO recognizes the vertical levels of the input file as GEOS-Chem model levels.$ ncatted -a long_name,lev,o,c,"GEOS-Chem levels"
Add/change the
attributes of the vertical coordinate (lev
):$ ncatted -a axis,lev,o,c,"Z" $ ncatted -a positive,lev,o,c,"up"
Add/change the
attribute of the latitude (lat
) coordinate todegrees_north
:$ ncatted -a units,lat,o,c,"degrees_north"
Convert the
attribute of the CHLA variable frommg/m3
$ ncap2 -v -s "CHLA=CHLA/1000000.0f" $ ncatted -a units,CHLA,o,c,"kg/m3" $ mv
Add/change the
, andhistory
global attributes$ ncatted -a references,global,o,c,";" $ ncatted -a history,global,o,c,"Tue Mar 3 12:18:38 EST 2015" $ ncatted -a title,global,o,c,"XYZ data from ABC source"
Remove the
global attribute:$ ncatted -a references,global,d,,
Add a
dimension to a file that does not have one:$ ncap2 -h -s 'defdim(“time”,1);time[time]=0.0;time@long_name=“time”;time@calendar=“standard”;time@units=“days since 2007-01-01 00:00:00”' -O $ mv
Add a
dimension to a variable:# Assume myVar has lat and lon dimensions to start with $ ncap2 -h -s 'myVar[$time,$lat,$lon]=myVar;' $ mv
Make the
dimension unlimited:$ ncks --mk_rec_dmn time $ mv
Change the file reference date and time (i.e.
) from 1 Jan 1985 to 1 Jan 2000:$ cdo setreftime,2000-01-01,00:00:00 $ mv
Shift all time values ahead or back by 1 hour in a file:
# Shift ahead 1 hour $ cdo shifttime,1hour $ mv # Shift back 1 hour $ cdo shiftime,-1hour $ mv
Set the date of all variables in the file. (Useful for files that have only one time point.)
$ cdo setdate,2019-07-02 $ mv
The following cdo commands are similar to cdo setdate, but allow you to manipulate other time variables:
$ cdo settime,03:00:00 ... # Sets time to 03:00 UTC $ cdo setday,26, ... # Sets day of month to 26 $ cdo setmon,10, ... # Sets month to 10 (October) $ cdo setyear,1992, ... # Sets year to 1992
See the cdo user manual for more information.
Change the
attribute:GEOS-Chem and HEMCO cannot read data from netCDF files where:
time:calendar = "360_day" time:calendar = "365_day" time:calendar = "noleap"
We recommend converting the calendar used in the netCDF file to the
netCDF calendar with these commands:$ cdo setcalendar,standard $ mv
Change the type of the
coordinate fromint
:$ ncap2 -s 'time=double(time)' $ mv
Concatenate netCDF files
There are a couple of ways to concatenate multiple netCDF files into a single netCDF file, as shown in the sections below.
Concatenate with the netCDF operators
You can use the ncrcat utility (from nco
to concatenate the individual netCDF files into a single netCDF file.
Let’s assume we want to combine 12 monthy data files
, ..
into a single file called
First, make sure that each of the month_*nc
files has an
unlimited time
dimension. Type this at the command line:
$ ncdump -ct | grep "time"
Then you should see this as the first line in the output:
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
This indicates that the time dimension is unlimited. If on the other hand you see this output:
time = 1 ;
Then it means that the time dimension is fixed. If this is the case, you will have to use the ncks command to make the time dimension unlimited, as follows:
$ ncks --mk_rec_dmn time
$ mv
... etc for the other files ...
Then use ncrcat to combine the monthly data along the time dimension, and save the result to a single netCDF file:
$ ncrcat -hO month_*nc
You may then discard the month_*.nc
files if so desired.
Concatenate with Python
You can use the xarray Python package to create a single netCDF file from multiple files. Click HERE to view a sample Python script that does this.
Regrid netCDF files
The following tools can be used to regrid netCDF data files (such as GEOS-Chem restart files and GEOS-Chem diagnostic files.
Regrid with cdo
includes several tools for regridding netCDF files. For
# Apply conservative regridding $ cdo remapcon,gridfile
For gridfile
, you can use the files here. Also see
this reference.
Issue with cdo remapdis regridding tool
GEOS-Chem user Bram Maasakkers wrote:
I have noticed a problem regridding GEOS-Chem diagnostic file to 2x2.5 using cdo version 1.9.4. When I use:
$ cdo remapdis,geos.2x25.grid GEOSChem.Restart.2x25.ncThe last latitudinal band (-89.5) remains empty and gets filled with the standard missing value of cdo, which is really large. This leads to immediate problems in the methane simulation as enormous concentrations enter the domain from the South Pole. For now I’ve solved this problem by just using bicubic interpolation
$ cdo remapbic,geos.2x25.grid
You can also use conservative regridding:
$ cdo remapcon,geos.2x25.grid
Regrid with GCPy
GCPy (the GEOS-Chem Python Toolkit) has contains file regridding utilities that allow you to regrid from lat/lon to cubed-sphere grids (and vice versa). Regridding weights can be generated on-the-fly, or can be archived and reused. For detailed instructions, please see the please see the GCPy Regridding documentation.
Regrid with nco
also includes several regridding utilities. See the
Regridding section of the NCO User Guide for more
Regrid with xarray
The xarray Python package has a built-in capability for 1-D interpolation. It wraps the SciPy interpolation module. This functionality can also be used for vertical regridding.
Regrid with xESMF
xESMF is a universal regridding tool for geospatial data, which is written in Python. It can be used to regrid data not only on cartesian grids, but also on cubed-sphere and unstructured grids.
xESMF only handles horizontal regridding.
Crop netCDF files
If needed, a netCDF file can be cropped to a subset of the globe with the nco or cdo utilities (cf. Useful tools).
For example, cdo has a selbox operator for selecting a box by specifying the lat/lon bounds:
$ cdo sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2
$ mv
See the cdo guide for more information.
Add a new variable to a netCDF file
You have a couple of options for adding a new variable to a netCDF file (for example, when having to add a new species to an existing GEOS-Chem restart file).
You can use cdo and nco utilities to copy the data from one variable to another variable. For example:
#!/bin/bash # Extract field SpeciesRst_PMN from the original restart file cdo selvar,SpeciesRst_PMN NPMN.nc4 # Rename selected field to SpeciesRst_NPMN ncrename -h -v SpeciesRst_PMN,Species_Rst_NPMN NMPN.nc4 # Append new species to existing restart file ncks -h -A -M NMPN.nc4
Sal Farina wrote a simple Python script for adding a new species to a netCDF restart file:
#!/usr/bin/env python import netCDF4 as nc import sys import os for nam in sys.argv[1:]: f = nc.Dataset(nam,mode='a') try: o = f['SpeciesRst_OCPI'] except: print "SpeciesRst_OCPI not defined" f.createVariable('SpeciesRst_SOAP',o.datatype,dimensions=o.dimensions,fill_value=o._FillValue) soap = f['SpeciesRst_SOAP'] soap[:] = 0.0 soap.long_name= 'SOAP species' soap.units = o.units soap.add_offset = 0.0 soap.scale_factor = 1.0 soap.missing_value = 1.0e30 f.close()
Bob Yantosca wrote this Python script to insert a fake species into GEOS-Chem Classic and GCHP restart files (13.3.0)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Adds an extra DataArray for into restart files: Calling sequence: ./ """ # Imports import gcpy.constants as gcon import xarray as xr from xarray.coding.variables import SerializationWarning import warnings # Suppress harmless run-time warnings (mostly about underflow or NaNs) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SerializationWarning) def main(): """ Appends extra species to restart files. """ # Data vars to skip skip_vars = gcon.skip_these_vars # List of dates file_list = [ 'GEOSChem.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.nc4', 'GEOSChem.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.nc4', 'GEOSChem.Restart.TOMAS15.20190701_0000z.nc4', 'GEOSChem.Restart.TOMAS40.20190701_0000z.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.c180.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.c24.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.c360.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.c48.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190101_0000z.c90.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.c180.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.c24.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.c360.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.c48.nc4', 'GCHP.Restart.fullchem.20190701_0000z.c90.nc4' ] # Keep all netCDF attributes with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): # Loop over dates for f in file_list: # Input and output files infile = '../' + f outfile = f print("Creating " + outfile) # Open input file ds = xr.open_dataset(infile, drop_variables=skip_vars) # Create a new DataArray from a given species (EDIT ACCORDINGLY) if "GCHP" in infile: dr = ds["SPC_ETO"] = "SPC_ETOO" else: dr = ds["SpeciesRst_ETO"] = "SpeciesRst_ETOO" # Update attributes (EDIT ACCORDINGLY) dr.attrs["FullName"] = "peroxy radical from ethene" dr.attrs["Is_Gas"] = "true" dr.attrs["long_name"] = "Dry mixing ratio of species ETOO" dr.attrs["MW_g"] = 77.06 # Merge the new DataArray into the Dataset ds = xr.merge([ds, dr], compat="override") # Create a new file ds.to_netcdf(outfile) # Free memory by setting ds to a null dataset ds = xr.Dataset() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Chunk and deflate a netCDF file to improve I/O
We recommend that you chunk the data in your netCDF file. Chunking specifies the order in along which the data will be read from disk. The Unidata web site has a good overview of why chunking a netCDF file matters.
For GEOS-Chem with the high-performance option (aka GCHP), the best file I/O performance occurs when the file is split into one chunk per level (assuming your data has a lev dimension). This allows each individual vertical level of data to be read in parallel.
You can use the nccopy command of nco
to do the
chunking. For example, say you have a netCDF file called
with these dimensions:
time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
lev = 72 ;
lat = 181 ;
lon = 360 ;
Then you can use the nccopy command to apply the optimal chunking along levels:
$ nccopy -c lon/360,lat/181,lev/1,time/1 -d1
$ mv
This will create a new file called
that has the proper
chunking. We then replace
with this temporary file.
You can specify the chunk sizes that will be applied to the variables
in the netCDF file with the -c argument to
nccopy. To obtain the optimal chunking, the lon
chunksize must be identical to the number of values along the
longitude dimension (e.g. lon/360
and the lat
chunksize must be equal to the number of points in the latitude
dimension (e.g. lat/181
We also recommend that you deflate (i.e. compress) the netCDF data variables at the same time you apply the chunking. Deflating can substantially reduce the file size, especially for emissions data that are only defined over the land but not over the oceans. You can deflate the data in a netCDF file by specifying the -d argumetnt to nccopy. There are 10 possible deflation levels, ranging from 0 (no deflation) to 9 (max deflation). For most purposes, a deflation level of 1 (d1) is sufficient.
The GEOS-Chem Support Team has created a Perl script named (contained in the netcdf-scripts repository at GitHub) that will automatically chunk and compress data for you.
$ # Chunk netCDF file
$ 1 # Chunk and compress file using deflate level 1
You can use the ncdump -cts command to view the chunk size and deflation level in the file. After applying the chunking and compression to, you would see output such as this:
time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
lev = 72 ;
lat = 181 ;
lon = 360 ;
float PRPE(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
PRPE:long_name = "Propene" ;
PRPE:units = "kgC/m2/s" ;
PRPE:add_offset = 0.f ;
PRPE:scale_factor = 1.f ;
PRPE:_FillValue = 1.e+15f ;
PRPE:missing_value = 1.e+15f ;
PRPE:gamap_category = "ANTHSRCE" ;
PRPE:_Storage = "chunked" ;
PRPE:_ChunkSizes = 1, 1, 181, 360 ;
PRPE:_DeflateLevel = 1 ;
PRPE:_Endianness = "little" ;\
float CO(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
CO:long_name = "CO" ;
CO:units = "kg/m2/s" ;
CO:add_offset = 0.f ;
CO:scale_factor = 1.f ;
CO:_FillValue = 1.e+15f ;
CO:missing_value = 1.e+15f ;
CO:gamap_category = "ANTHSRCE" ;
CO:_Storage = "chunked" ;
CO:_ChunkSizes = 1, 1, 181, 360 ;
CO:_DeflateLevel = 1 ;
CO:_Endianness = "little" ;\
The attributes that begin with a _
character are “hidden”
netCDF attributes. They represent file properties instead of
user-defined properties (like the long name, units, etc.). The
“hidden” attributes can be shown by adding the -s argument
to ncdump.