Parallelize GEOS-Chem and HEMCO source code

Single-node paralellization in GEOS-Chem Classic and HEMCO is acheieved with OpenMP. OpenMP directives, which are included in every modern compiler, allow you to divide the work done in DO loops among several computational cores. In this Guide, you will learn more about how GEOS-Chem Classic and HEMCO utilize OpenMP.

Overview of OpenMP parallelization

Most GEOS-Chem and HEMCO arrays represent quantities on a geospatial grid (such as meteorological fields, species concentrations, production and loss rates, etc.). When we parallelize the GEOS-Chem and HEMCO source code, we give each computational core its own region of the “world” to work on, so to speak. However, all cores can see the entire “world” (i.e. the entire memory on the machine) at once, but is just restricted to working on its own region of the “world”.


It is important to remember that OpenMP is loop-level parallelization. That means that only commands within selected DO loops will execute in parallel. GEOS-Chem Classic and HEMCO (when running within GEOS-Chem Classic, or as the HEMCO standalone) start off on a single core (known as the “main core”). Upon entering a parallel DO loop, other cores will be invoked to share the workload within the loop. At the end of the parallel DO loop, the other cores return to standby status and the execution continues only on the “main” core.

One restriction of using OpenMP parallelization is that simulations may use only as many cores that share by the same memory. In practice, this limits GEOS-Chem Classic and HEMCO standalone simulations to using 1 node (typically less than 64 cores) of a shared computer cluster.

We should also note that GEOS-Chem High Performance (aka GCHP) uses a different type of parallelization (MPI). This allows GCHP to use hundreds or thousands of cores across several nodes of a computer cluster. We encourage you to consider using GCHP for hour high-resolution simulations.

Example using OpenMP directives

Consider the following nested loop that has been parallelized with OpenMP directives:

!$OMP PARALLEL DO            &
!$OMP SHARED( A            ) &
!$OMP PRIVATE( I, J, B     ) &
!$OMP COLLAPSE( 2          ) &
DO J = 1, NY
DO I = 1, NX
   B = A(I,J)
   A(I,J) = B * 2.0

This loop will assign different (I,J) pairs to different computational cores. The more cores specified, the less time it will take to do the operation.

Let us know look at the important features of this loop.


This is known as a loop sentinel. It tells the compiler that the following DO-loop is to be executed in parallel. The clauses following the sentinel specify further options for the parallelization. These clauses may be spread across multiple lines by using a continuation command (&) at the end of the line.


This clause tells the compiler that all computational cores can write to A simultaneously. This is OK because each core will recieve a unique set of (I,J) pairs. Thus data corruption of the A array will not happen. We say that A is a SHARED variable.


We recommend using the clause !$OMP DEFAULT( SHARED ), which will declare all varaiables as shared, unless they are explicitly placed in an !$OMP PRIVATE clause.


Because different cores will be handling different (I,J) pairs, each core needs its own private copy of variables I and J. The compiler creates these temporary copies of these variables in memory “under the hood”.

If the I and J variables were not declared PRIVATE, then all of the computational cores could simultaneously write to I and J. This would lead to data corruption. For the same reason, we must also place the variable B within the !$OMP PRIVATE clause.


By default, OpenMP will parallelize the outer loop in a set of nested loops. To gain more efficiency, we can vectorize the loop. “Under the hood”, the compiler can convert the two nested loops over NX and NY into a single loop of size NX * NY, and then parallelize over the single loop. Because we wish to collapse 2 loops together, we use the !$OMP COLLAPSE( 2 ) statement.


Normally, OpenMP will evenly split the domain to be parallelized (i.e. (NX, NY)) evenly between the cores. But if some computations take longer than others (i.e. photochemistry at the day/night boundary), this static scheduling may be inefficient.

The SCHEDULE( DYNAMIC, 4 ) will send groups of 4 grid boxes to each core. As soon as a core finishes its work, it will immediately receive another group of 4 grid boxes. This can help to achieve better load balancing.


This is a sentinel that declares the end of the parallel DO loop. It may be omitted. But we encourage you to include them, as defining both the beginning and end of a parallel loop is good programming style.

Environment variable settings for OpenMP

Please see Set environment variables for parallelization to learn which environment variables you must add to your login environment to control OpenMP parallelization.

OpenMP parallelization FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about parallelizing GEOS-Chem and HEMCO code with OpenMP:

How can I tell what should go into the !$OMP PRIVATE clause?

Here is a good rule of thumb:

All variables that appear on the left side of an equals sign, and that have lower dimensionality than the dimensionality of the parallel loop must be placed in the !$OMP PRIVATE clause.

In the example shown above, I, J, and B are scalars, so their dimensionality is 0. But the parallelization occurs over two DO loops (1..NY and 1..NX), so the dimensionality of the parallelization is 2. Thus I, J, and B must go inside the !$OMP PRIVATE clause.


You can also think of dimensionality as the number of indices a variable has. For example A has dimensionality 0, but A(I) has dimensionality 1, A(I,J) has dimensionality 2, etc.

Why do the !$OMP statements begin with a comment character?

This is by design. In order to invoke the parallel procesing commands, you must use a specific compiler command (such as -openmp, -fopenmp, or similar, depending on the compiler). If you omit these compiler switches, then the parallel processing directives will be considered as Fortran comments, and the associated DO-loops will be executed on a single core.

Do subroutine variables have to be declared PRIVATE?

Consider this subroutine:


   ! Dummy variables for input
   REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: X, Y

   ! Dummy variable for output

   ! Add X + Y to make Z
   Z = X + Y


which is called from within a parallel loop:

REAL    :: A, B, C

!$OMP PARALLEL DO           &
DO N = 1, nIterations

   ! Get inputs from some array
   A = Input(N,1)
   B = Input(N,2)

   ! Add A + B to make C
   CALL mySub( A, B, C )

   ! Save the output in an array
   Output(N) = C

Using the rule of thumb described above, because N, A, B, and C are scalars (having dimensionality = 0), they must be placed in the !$OMP PRIVATE clause.

But note that the variables X, Y, and Z do not need to be placed within a !$OMP PRIVATE clause within subroutine mySub. This is because each core calls mySub in a separate thread of execution, and will create its own private copy of X, Y, and Z in memory.

What does the THREADPRIVATE statement do?

Let’s modify the above example slightly. Let’s now suppose that subroutine mySub from the prior example is now part of a Fortran-90 module, which looks like this:

MODULE myModule

  ! Module variable:


  SUBROUTINE mySub( X, Y )

   ! Dummy variables for input
   REAL, INTENT(IN)  :: X, Y

   ! Add X + Y to make Z
   ! NOTE that Z is now a global variable
   Z  = X + Y



Note that Z is now a global scalar variable with dimensionality = 0. Let’s now use the same parallel loop (dimensionality = 1) as before:

! Get the Z variable from myModule
USE myModule, ONLY : Z

REAL    :: A, B, C

!$OMP PARALLEL DO           &
DO N = 1, nIterations

   ! Get inputs from some array
   A = Input(N,1)
   B = Input(N,2)

   ! Add A + B to make C
   CALL mySub( A, B )

   ! Save the output in an array
   Output(N) = Z


Because Z is now a global variable with lower dimensionality than the loop, we must try to place it within an !$OMP PRIVATE clause. However, Z is defined in a different program unit than where the parallel loop occurs, so we cannot place it in an !$OMP PRIVATE clause for the loop.

In this case we must place Z into an !$OMP THREADPRIVATE clause within the module where it is declared, as shown below:

MODULE myModule

  ! Module variable:
  ! This is global and acts as if it were in a F77-style common block

  ... etc ...

This tells the computer to create a separate private copy of Z in memory for each core.


When you place a variable into an !$OMP PRIVATE or !$OMP THREADPRIVATE clause, this means that the variable will have no meaning outside of the parallel loop where it is used. So you should not rely on using the value of PRIVATE or THREADPRIVATE variables elsewhere in your code.

Most of the time you won’t have to use the !$OMP THREADPRIVATE statement. You may need to use it if you are trying to parallelize code that came from someone else.

Can I use pointers within an OpenMP parallel loop?

You may use pointer-based variables (including derived-type objects) within an OpenMP parallel loop. But you must make sure that you point to the target within the parallel loop section AND that you also nullify the pointer within the parallel loop section. For example:


! Declare variables
REAL, TARGET  :: myArray(NX,NY)
REAL, POINTER :: myPtr  (:    )

! Declare an OpenMP parallel loop
!$OMP PARALLEL DO                     ) &
!$OMP DEFAULT( SHARED                 ) &
!$OMP PRIVATE( I, J, myPtr, ...etc... )
DO J = 1, NY
DO I = 1, NX

   ! Point to a variable.
   !This must be done in the parallel loop section.
   myPtr => myArray(:,J)

   . . . do other stuff . . .


! Nullify the pointer.
! NOTE: This is incorrect because we nullify the pointer outside of the loop.
myPtr => NULL()


! Declare variables
REAL, TARGET  :: myArray(NX,NY)
REAL, POINTER :: myPtr  (:    )

! Declare an OpenMP parallel loop
!$OMP PARALLEL DO                     ) &
!$OMP DEFAULT( SHARED                 ) &
!$OMP PRIVATE( I, J, myPtr, ...etc... )
DO J = 1, NY
DO I = 1, NX

   ! Point to a variable.
   !This must be done in the parallel loop section.
   myPtr => myArray(:,J)

   . . . do other stuff . . .

   ! Nullify the pointer within the parallel loop
   myPtr => NULL()


In other words, pointers used in OpenMP parallel loops only have meaning within the parallel loop.

How many cores may I use for GEOS-Chem or HEMCO?

You can use as many computational cores as there are on a single node of your cluster. With OpenMP parallelization, the restriction is that all of the cores have to see all the memory on the machine (or node of a larger machine). So if you have 32 cores on a single node, you can use them. We have shown that run times will continue to decrease (albeit asymptotically) when you increase the number of cores.

Why is GEOS-Chem is not using all the cores I requested?

The number of threads for an OpenMP simulation is determined by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. You must define OMP_NUM_THREADS in your environment file to specify the desired number of computational cores for your simulation. For the bash shell, use4 this command to request 8 cores:


MPI parallelization

The OpenMP parallelization used by GEOS-Chem Classic and HEMCO standalone is an example of shared memory parallelization (also known as serial parallelization). As we have seen, we are restricted to using a single node of a computer cluster. This is because all of the cores need to talk with all of the memory on the node.

On the other hand, MPI (Message Passing Interface) parallelzation is an example of distributed parallelization. An MPI library installation is required for passing memory from one physical system to another (i.e. across nodes).

GEOS-Chem High Performance (GCHP) uses Earth System Model Framework (ESMF) and MAPL libraries to implement MPI parallelization. For detailed information, please see