Source code repositories

The GEOS-Chem Classic source code is distributed into several GitHub repositories (aka “repos”), as described below. This setup allows the GEOS-Chem core science routines to be easily integrated into several modeling contexts, such as:

  • GEOS-Chem Classic

  • GCHP

  • GEOS-Chem within the NASA/GEOS ESM

  • GEOS-Chem within CESM

  • GEOS-Chem withn WRF (aka WRF-GC)

This repository setup also aligns with our GEOS-Chem Vision and Mission statements.

GEOS-Chem repositories

The bulk of the GEOS-Chem Classic code is contained in three repositories:

GEOS-Chem “Science Codebase”

The GEOS-Chem "Science Codebase" repository ( contains the GEOS-Chem science routines, plus:

  • Scripts to create GEOS-Chem run directories, plus template configuration files for all simulations;

  • Scripts to create GEOS-Chem integration tests;

  • Interfaces (i.e. the driver programs) for GEOS-Chem Classic, GCHP, etc.


The HEMCO repository ( contains the source code for the Harmonized Emissions Component, which is used to read and regrid emissions, met fields, and other inputs to GEOS-Chem.


The GCClassic repository ( is a lightweight wrapper that encompasses GEOS-Chem and HEMCO. We say that GCClassic is the superproject (i.e. top-level source code folder), and that GEOS-Chem (science codebase) and HEMCO are submodules.

Other code packages used by GEOS-Chem

GEOS-Chem uses a few code packages that are maintained separately. These are inlined to GEOS-Chem as Git submodules.


The Cloud-J repository ( contains the source code for the Cloud-J photolysis package. This is used to compute reaction rates for photo-dissociation reactions in the GEOS-Chem fullchem and Hg chemistry mechanisms.

Reference: Prather [2015]


The ISORROPIA/HETP repository ( contains the source code for HETP, which is an implementation of the ISORROPIA II aerosol thermodynamics scheme written in modern Fortran.

Reference: Miller et al. [2024]


The geos-chem-shared-docs repository ( contains common documentation files that are shared by the GEOS-Chem, GCHP, and HEMCO ReadTheDocs pages. This repository is maintained by the GEOS-Chem Support Team.