Create a run script
We recommend that you create a run script for your GEOS-Chem simulation. This is a bash script containing the commands to run GEOS-Chem.
A sample run script for the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM) is shown below. SLURM is a “scheduler”—a root-level program that decides if there are sufficient resources (cores, memory, available time) for a job to run. If not, SLURM will delay starting the job until resources free up.
If your computer system uses a different scheduler (e.g. LSF, PBS), simply replace the SLURM-specific commands with the equivalent commands for your scheduler. Ask your sysadmin or IT staff for more information.
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH -t 0-12:00
#SBATCH --mem=15000
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
### Sample GEOS-Chem Classic run script (using SLURM).
### If you are running a nested-grid simulation at fine resolution, you
### will likely need to request additional memory, cores, and time.
### -c : Requests this many cores
### -N : Requests a single node
### --mem : Requests this amount of memory in GB
### -p : Requests these partitions where the job can run
### -t : Requests time for the job (days-hours:minutes)
### --exclusive : Reserves entire nodes (i.e. to prevent backfilling jobs)
# Source the environment file you have created for your system
source /path/to/gcclassic.gnu10.env
# Set the proper # of threads for OpenMP
# SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK ensures this matches the number you set with -c above
# Run GEOS_Chem. The "time" command will return CPU and wall times.
# Stdout and stderr will be directed to the "GC.log" log file
# (you can change the log file name below if you wish)
srun -c $OMP_NUM_THREADS time -p ./gcclassic >> GC.log
# Exit normally
exit 0
Important commands in the run script are listed below:
- #SBATCH -c 8
Tells SLURM to request 8 computational cores. You may choose a different number of cores depending on the type of node you are using. Most modern computer clusters have nodes with up to 64 (or more) cores.
- #SBATCH -N 1
Tells SLURM to request 1 computational node.
GEOS-Chem Classic uses OpenMP, which is a shared-memory parallelization model. Using OpenMP limits GEOS-Chem Classic to one computational node.
- #SBATCH -t 0-12:00
Tells SLURM to request 12 hours of computational time. The format is
or (days-hours:minutes
Tells SLURM to run GEOS-Chem Classic in the computational partition (aka “queue”) named
. Ask your IT staff for a list of the available partitions (queues) on your system.Note
With SLURM, you may specify more than one partition with:
Your job will run on whichever partition first has sufficient resources.
If you have different scheduler on your system, ask your sysadmin or IT staff if your scheduler allows you to specify multiple partitions when submitting jobs.
- #SBATCH --mem=15000
Tells SLURM to reserve 15000 MB (15 GB) of memory for the simulation.
- #SBATCH --mail-type=END
Tells SLURM to send an email upon completion (successful or unsuccesful) of the simulation.
Specifies how many computational cores that GEOS-Chem Classic should use. The environment variable
will fill in the number of cores requested (in this example, we used#SBATCH -c 8
, which requests 8 cores).
- time -p ./gcclassic > GC.log 2>&1
Executes the GEOS-Chem Classic executable and pipes the output (both stdout and stderr streams) to a file named
time -p
command will print the amount of time (both CPU time and wall time) that the simulation took to complete to the end ofGC.log
The following commands should already be present in your environment
file. Otherwise, add these to the run script before the command to
the gcclassic
- ulimit -s unlimited
Tells the bash shell to remove any restrictions on stack memory. This is the place in GEOS-Chem’s memory where temporary variables (including PRIVATE variables for OpenMP parallel loops) get created.
- export OMP_STACKSIZE=500m
Tells the GEOS_Chem executable to use as much memory as it needs for allocating PRIVATE variables in OpenMP parallel loops.
- srun -c $OMP_NUM_THREADS
Tells SLURM to run the GEOS-Chem Classic executable using the number of cores specified in